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Find the perfect moment to stand out with your exquisite taste and elegance when giving a DEORO gift card. A DEORO gift card is the perfect option for every special occasion.
Pieces that combine 925 silver and precious stones of polished rustic emeralds, better known as “morrallas”, are part of the latest DEORO collection, inspired by “the beginning”—the moment the emerald has emerged from the ground and remains uncut, transcending to a higher level of ethnic expression.
Pieces that combine 925 silver and precious stones of polished rustic emeralds, better known as “morrallas”, are part of the latest DEORO collection, inspired by “the beginning”—the moment the emerald has emerged from the ground and remains uncut, transcending to a higher level of ethnic expression.
Sincretismo, así es el nombre de este diseño propuesto por Jairo Barbosa, en el marco del Concurso “Colombia brilla” y que en Deoro Joyeria trajimos a la realidad para ser subastado en beneficio de la Fundación Cardioinfantil. El concepto se basa en Colombia como un país pluricultural y multiétnico que se ha ido construyendo y...
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